NYPA Utilizing DGA Transformer Monitoring Devices From GE

The New York Power Authority operates 16 generating facilities and over 1,400 circuit miles of transmission lines. Hence, over 80% of the produced electricity is renewable, clean hydropower.

The Goal:

The New York Power Authority established the Integrated Smart Operations Center which in turn became the new base for utility asset management. The goal was to provide “low cost, clean, reliable energy/power”. Hence, In order to achieve this New York Power Authority started a statewide sensor deployment program. This focused on more critical power-grid assets such as oil-filled transformers.

One of the solutions to this goal was to sample the oil for analysis and monitoring transformer health. These samples could now be taken daily and analyzed on-site for a better, more refined set of data.

Currently In Action:

The success and outcome of tackling these challenges were best stated by an M&D Success Story article stating, “Following a formal competitive procurement process, NYPA awarded the contract for the transformer monitoring devices for GE’s DGA 900. Nearly 50 additional units were ordered so that all critical transformers in 16 power plants and associated substations would now be monitored. This second phase will 10x the number of data points captured by the data historian” (Grid Solutions, 2).

The President and CEO of New York Power Authority, Gil C. Quiniones, shared “The sensor deployment program is deploying the latest sensor technologies to ensure our generation and transmission system continues to function optimally as energy markets become more dynamic” (Grid Solutions, 2).

To learn more about how the New York Power Authority continues its digital journey using DGA transformer monitoring devices from GE click HERE.


(all information comes from GE’s Grid Solutions article M&D success story)
Grid Solutions. (2021, May 28). Customer Story: NYPA continues its digital journey using DGA transformer monitoring devices from GE. Retrieved June 14, 2021, from https://resources.gegridsolutions.com/asset-monitoring-diagnostics/customer-story-nypa-dga


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